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Results From the Follow-Up Exam

Good News!! It would appear that whatever type of cancer we’re talking about here with Buddy is not all that aggressive!! We just returned from a follow-up with Dr. Pyne, and she has taken a new set of full X-Rays (We needed to do this to see if we had to worry about the cancer spreading before working with the folks at CSU) that show no additional bone damage!


We’re also happy to report that Buddy does not appear to have any metastasis to his lungs or internal organs!


There’s a small spot in the picture above right over his heart (You can barely see it here between the 5th and 6th rib (counting from the left). Since it doesn’t show up in any of the other angles, we’re not going to be too worried about it at this point.


This is really great news! This means that CSU can see Buddy, and that he most likely a candidate for the limb-sparing surgery, so he will not have to have his leg amputated!

Mary and I are very pleased with this news, as Buddy wasn’t going to have a good time of it with the amputation due to his hip dysplasia..

Next up is a visit to the docs at CSU in Ft. Collins, and a decision as to what the treatment protocol will be.

Buddy was just happy to come home and get on his bed after being in the kennel at the Vet all day!


3 Responses to “Results From the Follow-Up Exam”

  1.   Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) Says:

    Great news about Buddy! Good luck with everything. We’ll be keeping our paws crossed for Buddy and Nikki that everything goes well from here.
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)

  2.   jakesmom Says:

    I’m glad to hear the news that Buddie’s cancer isn’t the aggressive one. He looks adorable in his picture… Keep us posted about his CSU visit!

    Sending lots of good thoughts and hugs your way!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  3.   jerry Says:

    YEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!! Buddy, this is the news we were hoping for! I mean if it had to be cancer….well, you know what I mean.

    It will be really cool to follow your progress with the limb sparing. Please keep us in the loop OK? We hope the next few visits go really, really well and you get back on the mend in no time.