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Rest in Peace Buddy!

This is one of those, “I have to do it, but I don’t really want to” type posts…


Buddy lost his fight with cancer today.

Actually I’m not too sure that’s true, I think Buddy beat the cancer, but one of the side-effects of a study drug got him in the end.

As you might have read in previous posts, Buddy has been doing pretty good in the cancer department. The palliative radiation had actually reduced the size of the tumor to the point where you had to actually look for it to see it (whereas before you’d look at his leg and ask what the heck that big bubble was) and therefore Buddy was able to run, jump and play as if it wasn’t there.

One particular story along those lines that I will never forget; Buddy was enthralled by anything that flies. We live near a general aviation airport, and Buddy was always watching the planes in the sky, and once in awhile would try and chase them. He’d also go after flies in the house. After he was diagnosed with cancer and started losing the use of his hind leg, he wasn’t as active in that area as before, but as he started feeling better he would chase planes and flies again. One day I decided to buy a little radio control helicopter that you could fly in the house, figuring that I’d let him chase it around and we’d both have some fun.. This worked for a little while, and Buddy would have a great time. He got to know the word, “Helicopter” as well. One day recently I was hovering it about 4 feet above his head when he decided to just leap up and remove it from the air. He caught it, then ran like crazy with it, nub wagging like never before…. I took a lot of ribbing over that helicopter, but it was well worth it!

Anyway, back to the point of this post. Unfortunately one of the possible side-effects of Duramax is damage to the kidneys. This is a rare side-effect, but it does happen. Unfortunately it happened to Buddy, and by the time we caught it, it was too late to do anything about it. We tried everything we could to get those kidneys working, but they just wouldn’t kick in. Dr. Pyne taught us how to do subcutaneous fluid treatment, and said with that we’d likely be able to keep Buddy alive for a month or 6 weeks.. We thought that was a good idea and did the first treatment yesterday… Overnight though Buddy just took a nose dive. He was suffering, and just not happy at all. Mary and I made the decision to bring Buddy in to see Dr. Pyne, but we pretty much knew that it was the end for him. We just could not see having him suffer at the end of his life like he was, so we decided that the best thing to do was to let him go.

Such a hard decision, because if you only saw how he was acting at that time, you’d think he was a healthy and happy dog, but underneath it all was a dog in pain.

At 6:05pm today, Dr. Pyne injected the final drug into Buddy and he went very peacefully.

Mary and I want to remember the good times for Buddy. This is one of the best pictures that I have of him, and it’s how I’ll want to remember him looking.


RIP Buddy! We’ll miss you, but we’ll meet again!

16 Responses to “Rest in Peace Buddy!”

  1.   Daisy Says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend Buddy! Although this is our first meeting, one can just tell from his pictures that he was a wonderful dog, a bit on the mischievous side for sure!

    May time help heal your grief, and may all the happy memories bring you joy.

    Lexi (Daisy’s momma)

  2.   jack crowder Says:

    Man, I hate that cancer is taking so many of our kids.

    What a wonderful picture of Buddy! What a handsome boy he was and what a great expression!

    Thank you taking such great care of him and thank you for helping him to be free.

    He must be having a ball chasing all the planes and birds on the other side of the bridge, but I’ve heard they don’t let flies over there.

    Say hi to all the tripawds that are over there and tell them we miss you all very much.

    The chauffeur

  3.   munko Says:

    RIP Buddy. I’m so sorry about your sweet boy. I have a soft spot for rotties – what an adorable boy he was.

    Hugs to you, and bless you for all you’ve been through with your pack.

  4.   Hopalong Harley Says:

    I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye to Buddy; there is just never enough time with these wonderful creatures. Beautiful, beautiful boy. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  5.   Callahan Says:

    OMG, I’m so sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking. And I’d just watched your tripawd video with all your rotties together. You at least gave him the last gift you could– relief from the pain. You didn’t let him suffer. I hope your other dogs are okay with the loss of their friend.

  6.   krun15 Says:

    You guys sure have your hands full with Buddy and Nikki. You did the last, best thing you could do for your boy. I know how hard that final decision is, I let my girl Maggie go just three weeks ago. But I did find some peace with knowing I did my best for her, and I was able to let her go when it was clearly her time- I hope you can find some peace as well.
    And having Buddy participate in the study may well save a pup or person down the line- a wonderful legacy drawn from this terrible disease.
    Wishing strenght and peace tonight.


  7.   jerry Says:

    Oh guys, we can’t believe this. We are deeply sorry.

    In a very strange timing of events, Admin Guy just posted the video we made of you here, tonight at 6:13. If we had only known….we are so, so sorry.

    Buddy, it was truly an honor to meet you. We are so sad that you’re no longer with your pack, but we know you’ll take care of them in spirit. Run free, and say hello to our Tripawds pack in the sky. We love you.

  8.   anyemery Says:

    We’re so sorry to read this latest post about Buddy. We were hopeful that he’d rally again – but now he’s running free at the bridge with all the other tripawd heros. We’ll keep you in our hearts.
    Holly, Zuzu and Susan

  9.   Kami (Mackenzie's Mom) Says:

    I’m so sad to hear this news about Buddy…..I thought for sure he would pull through. How heartbreaking this must be for you and your family. I’m so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just take comfort in knowing that Buddy’s up there now smiling down at you with that big bright smile. What a beautfiul boy!
    Kami, Mackenzie & Kobe

  10.   Ted Says:

    Thanks for the video, really! The timing of that posting could not have been better, and as Mary said, it was a gift to see that when we got home. Thanks again for the support, and we’ll see you guys in July.

  11.   etgayle Says:

    we are so sorry to hear of buddy’s passing. you gave him the final ‘gift’ by not letting him suffer. our thoughts are with you and your beautiful pack of rotties. love never ends.

    gayle & charon

  12.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    So sorry for your loss! That is one big beautiful smile forever captured in that photo; I’m sure that’s what he’s doing right now, at peace and free of pain.

    Again, so sorry.

  13.   admin Says:

    Run free sweet Buddy, such a beautiful smile.

    Thank you for sharing Buddy with the Tripawds community, and for sharing your experiences (and results) with future readers looking for guidance when faced with the same difficult decisions. This is certain to help.

    Interesting indeed how I was posting our video of Buddy and Nikki at the same time you were posting this. Spirit Jerry must have been guiding me, and welcoming Buddy. Peace.

  14.   Emilysmom Says:

    My heart is breaking for you. I am so sorry that you have lost your boy. You are in my hart and prayers.
    Debra & Angel Emily

  15.   cometdog Says:

    I’m so, so sorry. You gave him such wonderful life that he wouldn’t have had without you. I know it was too short.
    I was hoping for a miracle on him – he had one coming.
    I’m so sorry.

  16.   jakesmom Says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about Buddy… 🙁 He looked like he was such a happy dog…
    He is at peace now… running free at the Rainbow Bridge…
    Rest in peace sweet Buddy!

    Angel Jake and Wolfie’s Mom